Monday, 23 September 2013


oh my, i love fruit!! ok wait2, now i'm not gonna talk about myself but about reasons for you to eat more! i'm sure you gonna love it..i think just some of you guys know the important of fruit that you are taking and probably all of you didn't care or not even know..ermm now i will help you to get to know why you must eat fruit and why fruit is important..ok now let's start with the fruits..

  make make your blood vessels relax

 calm your nervous system

help to maintain great skin and vision

will increases your bone mass

 fight cancer and aging

 protects several kinds of cancer

help to fight athritis

 against infections

Sunday, 1 September 2013


going to spa its a good routine for you to look healthy and here, let me suggest you to look pretty without going to spa.. so, you can save your let's make your home as a spa!! i love traditional method..ok now let me teach you to make mask at home using fruits and etc..

  • if u want to have a soft and hydrated skin, you should use pineapple juice and papaya as your mask..


  • ok guys, now mask for make your skin isn't a big deal to produce this mask just use banana, honey and lemon..


  • ok this is the last traditional mask that i'm gonna to share with you guys..this is for soothed and cleansed can use oatmeal, yogurt and honey..


*don't forget to try it at home..make your home such a wonderful spa..;)*